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My house.

Joined on 11/9/08

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I wrote this a few months ago for school and figured that someone could try and draw to it - delduded and confusing i know but hey, worth a try?
Random fact: is exactly 1001 word including the stars...

Mummy always said that I was a very special boy. Daddy said I'm a silly boy listening to Mummy. Mummy and Daddy don't like each other. Mummy says this is because Mummy and Daddy have a special kind of love. Daddy calls it a special type of hate but he's a good man so he still looks after her. Daddy is special too, but he is a good special. I'm a bad special. Well, that's what Daddy calls it. Daddy is a doctor. Daddy is a special doctor. Daddy loves to help. Daddy calls it surgery. Sometimes Daddy is very confusing, he loves to help people but he says sometimes its best to kill them. Daddy calls it 'his trademark'.

Daddy works shifts but they are always at night. I don't like it when he goes because I can't get to sleep: Mummy is always making a great big noise down there. I prefer it when Daddy works from home; it means I can ask him to keep Mummy quiet. Daddy thinks my sleep is important so he asks Mummy to be quiet. At least he doesn't work shifts every night.

Daddy is a carnivore which means he can only eat meat. Daddy always cooks for me. He feeds Mummy different food. I see him after we sit down and eat. He likes to go to the cellar with Mummy's food in a bucket along with all his doctors' kit. Mummy and Daddy don't live together, they don't like each other. I love Daddy's food. We always have meat for food. Daddy says meat is good for the soul; I agree. When I'm a good boy and I don't say anything all day Daddy lets me choose the piece of meat we have to eat. Last night we had my favourite! It was boneless meat with tomato relish. Daddy says he works for a food company so he always brings home food. I'm confused by Daddy because he is a doctor and a food company man.

Today Daddy was a doctor in the morning. He was using his trademark all day today. Later he was a food company man. It was a good day at work and he had three bin bags full, he put them in our biggest fridge as the other was full.

I'm worried now. Daddy says Mummy is sick. She's sick like I am but Daddy says she is beyond repair; he still likes to try and keep her alive though, even though she is dead. It's confusing because although she is alive, Daddy says there is no way to stop her dying of sickness. This makes her alive but dead at the same time.

Daddy is training me to be a doctor and a food company man. This way I will be able to bring home food and help people at the same time. I was allowed into the cellar for the first time ever last week. Daddy says that after six years of eating good meat I now old enough to understand. I still don't understand what I am meant to be understanding. In the cellar, Daddy showed me a patient. She looked very sad. Her skin was what Daddy calls a deathly white - a sign that they will die because of sickness. Her eyes where also shut, Daddy says she was asleep. I love my Daddy. Mummy is sick so I can't love her. I love Daddy because he managed to help my illness, I won't die now, only later.

Daddy told me I could be a food company man yesterday. I got to sort out all the lumps of meat. They where fresh from when Daddy had been a doctor last night, a friend from work must have come and dropped them off while Daddy was working and I was sleeping. Daddy says I must sleep; it is very good for me.

I've only seen Mummy once, when I was very young and hadn't eaten much meat to make me clever. Daddy was very angry when I wasn't asleep. Mummy was in her cage. The cage stops me getting infected even more. Mummy must really be crazy because she was wearing tomato relish all down her body. She still managed to say I was a very special boy, but Daddy said she was sick. One of the symptoms of Mummy's sickness is that she gets very sore. This is why she makes loud noises and screams. Daddy was relieving Mummy's pain with a special doctor tool. It made loud noises and smelt like gas from the stove. When I asked Daddy later he said it was special gas to relieve the pain. Daddy is so clever.

After I did the food company man's job Daddy said I did it very well. All the thighs were little neat packages and the tricky hands where now sealed in their plastic bags.
Daddy said it was time to say goodbye to Mummy, she was going to die. I didn't want Mummy to die. I went down to the cellar for the second time ever. It was the last time I would ever go down there.

Mummy was screaming and making lots of noise afterwards. I put my hands over my ears to shut the sound out. For some reason she was making relish from her mouth. She was a silly Mummy.

She opened her mouth to scream, the new pool of blood landed on her scar stained torso. He was cruel and relentless, but surely he could not be this vile. Six years of sickening torture would come down to this. About four years ago she had seen him last. She had always wondered, surely such a mad creature as this would have disposed of a useless child, but no. He grinned at her as the boy took up the knife. It was useless trying to put up resistance.

Her eyes where desolate, the same her son's were as he withdrew the sinew ridden blade.

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